The operation 'xxxxxxxx' could not be loaded because it has a parameter or return type of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or a type that has MessageContractAttribute and other parameters of different types. When using System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or types with MessageContractAttribute, the method must not use any other types of parameters.
It is quite obvious from the exception message what was wrong in my service, that was the obstacle in the creation of a service proxy.
In WCF there is a limitation that if you use a type that is marked with a MessageContract attribute as a return value or operation parameter, it is obligatory that all the parameters and return value(if present) should be types marked with that attribute too.
Also it is recommended as a good practice to encapsulate all operator parameters in a single message contract.
In my case the mistake was that I had an operation with a return type of 'bool' and taking a parameter that was tagged with a MessageContractAttribute attribute.
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