4.12.2008 г.

To all hot women in the world: Sorry, I got married :(

Yes it is true. I got married to my lovely girlfriend Tania and it was a great party.
So if you are above 18 and under 25 years old, woman, hot and you have at least 2 of these: big tits, long legs, tough ass and still want to go out with me, please don't tell me, cause I'm married now ;).

Here is the proof:

Wedding photos:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Honey weekend photos:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The best spiritual song ever. Enjoy :)

Here are the lyrics.

- Къде бе, брато?
- А бе нали ще правим купон довечера
и събрахме пари да купим за ядене и
пиене, а пък аз трябва да отида до магазина
да купя това онова и цигари, нали
- По-добре иди в денонoщния на ъгъла.
- Ама там продават ли цигари, щото...
- Продават абсолютно всичко. А бе
всичко има в тоя....

Магазин, денонощен магазин,
пролет, лято есен, зима,
в магазина всичко има.
Само в този магазин!
Денонощен магазин.

Тръгвам аз за този денонощен магазин,
касите са пълни с бира, рафтовете с джин,
чесън, бамя, сини сливи, зеле, баклава,
шарена сланина, гъби, изворна вода.
Чубрица, дафинов лист, спагети, създарма,
кревирши, филе елена козя пастърма.

Зрял фасул, зелен фасул, юфка, червен пипер,
ябълки, домати, карантия бакпулвер,
мащерка, босилек, копър, кър и джинджифил,
целина, канела, ригън, джоджън, карамфил,
сирене, лимонов сок, салам, оцет, зехтин,
магазин, магазин, магазин.

Магазин, денонощен магазин,
пролет, лято есен, зима,
в магазина всичко има.
Само в този магазин!
Денонощен магазин.

Ягоди, череши, дюли, тиквички, яйца,
бърбън, ром, уиски, сода, плодов сок, боза,
попчета, акула, паламуд, лефер, калкан,
херинга, моруна, карагьос, кефал, шаран,
риба тон, калмари, миди, хрян и розмарин,

магазин, магазин, магазин.

(Егати магазина.)
ах, магазин,
(Направо се изкорах в тоя магазин)
пролет, лято есен, зима,
в магазина всичко има.
(Абсолютно всичко има)
Само в този магазин!
(Йеа, само в тоя магазин)
Денонощен магазин.

Царевица, соя, леща, грах, бакла, ориз,
сладко от смокини, лапад, гьозум, керевиз,
камби, круши, дини, макарони, карфиол,
щипки, веро, чаши, дъвки в лъскав станиол,
ряпа, захар, мляко, бахур, краставици, ким,
магазин, магазин, магазин.

Припев (х2):
Магазин, денонощен магазин,
пролет, лято есен, зима,
в магазина всичко има.
Само в този магазин!
Денонощен магазин.

Всичко има в този денонощен магазин.

30.07.2008 г.

WPF Dialogs and DialogResult

One month after starting with WPF, LINQ and XAML I am confused about the little information about these in the web. That's maybe because they are still not so popular. Nevertheless I came upon this very good article about something very simple like dealing with the DialogResult in WPF. Yes, it is simple but as a rookie I'm loosing precious time for shits like this one.
Thanks to the author for the great explanation. I will explore his blog these days and will post everything that I think is valuable.

27.07.2008 г.

A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 9 to run slowly.If it continues to run,your computer may become unresponsive. ERROR

I use to see this Adobe Flash Player error these days very often.


I googled for it and found that the problem is not on my side.
It basically means it has taken longer than 15 seconds for the script to execute. So if you click NO, it will allow 15 more seconds for finishing what it is doing, but if you click YES, than the flash player will abort that script.
Msot likely this problems originates from an infinite loop or a long running data transfer operation.

I read some posts which suppose the problem could be resolved if you change your browser.If you use IE try Firefox or vice versa but that didn't work in my case. I tried IE7 and Firefox 2.0 - same effect.

For me I prefer chosing "Yes" in the above dialog. Chosing "No" results in 15 minute browser freeze, which is too short to go to the toilet and too much to wait.

18.07.2008 г.

10 Keyboard shortcut tricks for IE7

5 minutes ago just before going to bed I came upon this interesting article.

If this link is not available read the exact content below. Enjoy.

With a new version of Internet Explorer 7 come quite a few new nifty shortcuts that can make your web-surfing experience a lot more enjoyable. Some of these tips also apply to previous versions of Internet Explorer, and some to other browsers as well. Items denoted with a '%' work on IE6, and those marked with a '*' may work in other browsers.

1. Change Font on the Fly %,* By holding down the ctrl button using scrolling either up or down with the scroll wheel on your mouse or keyboard, you can make the font size increase or decrease as well.

2. Load From Memory %,* Have you ever wrote a post or reply or comment on a page, or filled a form, or answered a survey just to find out you clicked a link by accident and 'lost' your work? Hold down shift and then use the mouse/keyboard scroll wheel: you can attempt to go forward or backward in your browser history from the RAM. This isn't like the back/front buttons at the top, those take you to the URL stored, but the scroll wheel trick will load the contents from memory, and if you're lucky, the form hasn't been reset.

3. Switch Between Tabs Microsoft's solution to quick tab switching may not be as elegant as Opera's right-click and scroll implementation, but it is more intuitive than Firefox's ctrl+pgup or pgdown. In IE7, simply hold down ctrl and press a number. For example, if you press ctrl+1, the first tab will be activated; ctrl+4 and the 4th tab with activated, etc.
4. Close Tabs * If you want to close a tab but don't want to use the mouse or activate the classic menu, simply click ctrl+w. One thing to note: unlike older builds of IE7, if you keep ctrl+w pressed it won't close all but the last tab, it will instead close every tab, and then exit IE7, so be careful.

5. Show the Classic Toolbar In a bid to maximize screen real-estate and increase the aesthetics of Internet Explorer 7, Microsoft has made the Menu Bar hide by default. To make it show, just press 'alt' once, and press it again to hide it. Just remember, you can permanently disable this feature from the Internet Explorer 7 options control panel.

6. Display "Quick Tabs" Originally know as the "Tab overview mode," Quick Tabs shows you a preview of all the tabs you have open, and is especially handy when you have tabs with non-descriptive page titles or more tabs than you have screenspace. Just press ctrl+q and enjoy this nifty feature.

7. Favorites Center * In Internet Explorer 7, your favorites are only a button-click away. ctrl+i does the trick!

8. Feeds Sidebar One of the new features in Internet Explorer is the "Feeds Bar" which integrates straight into the Windows Feed Store which is intended to be used as an entire repo that different aggregators/content-management programs and utilities on your PC can take advantage of (such as the Windows Sidebar in Vista, and Outlook 2007, with more products on the way). To display the feeds bar, ctrl+j is your friend.

9. View History *,% Not exactly new or undiscovered, but definitely one of the most important features in Internet Explorer, and believe it or not, unused by the masses, ctrl+h will open the History Sidebar, which, in IE7, can be customized to display items the way you want it to... ctrl+h will forever remain useful! :)

10. The Final Fix So you're still not an IE7 kind-of-guy (or gal for that matter), and though these are some really nifty tricks, they just don't do it for you. Well, here is one trick that will be sure to make your day, and you won't regret coming here. If you really, really can't stand Internet Explorer 7, try this one: alt+F4 Good bye :)

8.04.2008 г.

The hardest game in the world!

Three days ago a friend of mine showed me this game. It is awesome! Be sure to have Flash plug-in installed. Enjoy!

5.04.2008 г.

My impressions from Internet Explorer 8 beta 1

A month ago I installed IE 8 beta 1 on my PC. I was full of expectations. And Microsoft didn't disappoint me. The good thing about IE8 is that I feel it works faster. Even though IE8 looks pretty much as its predecessor IE7 there are some differences. The URL in the address bar looks differently. It is easy now to see the main domain, because all the other part of the URL is faded. I noticed also one great idea from Microsoft, namely including smart tags. Every time you mark some text a smart tag appears whith some options for you to do with the marked text(like search for the text for example)
For those who miss IE7 there is an option to "emulate" IE7, which changes IE8appearance to IE7.

As bad things I can point that it is unsuitable for developing ASP.NET projects. I tried to work with it but it was crashing unexpectedly from time to time. Also I had some strange rendering effects with some websites, but it can be because those sites are not tested with IE8 beta 1.

Anyway as a conclusion I should say that Microsoft have done good job with this beta. Yes it crashes,yes it has unexpected behaviour but it is a beta version after all. I'm looking forward now for the official release of IE8. I hope MS develop the smart tag idea and make the menu that appears customizable. Maybe it would be nice to distinguish from IE7's design.

Internet Explorer 8 uninstallation is easy. If your OS is not Windows Vista, IE8 can be removed standartly from Control Panel - > Add or Remove Programs. If you run Vista IE8 beta 1 is treated as a Windows Update. So you should remove it from the list with all installed updates. To do so from "Control Panel" click on "Uninstall a Program" link and then click on "View installed updates". Find Internet Explorer 8 from the list and click uninstall. Then your system will rollback to your previous version of Internet Explorer after system reboot.

5.03.2008 г.

The eternal question - Which was first - chicken or egg?

Last time I installed ICQ 6 I noticed the question at the end of the installation - which was first - chicken or egg? I remembered then my hypothesis on this eternal question. I don't pretend of course that I'm the first ever person in the world to suppose this scenario.

So, really which was in the beginning? Answer - the egg of course.

Here is the explanation:
Let me introduce first some piece of terminology.
I mark chicken/egg as we know it nowadays with X (for example chicken^X,egg^X).
I mark cock^Z a cock, which was slightly different than cock^X and cock^Y
I mark chicken/egg which was slightly different than chicken^X and egg^X with Y (for example chicken^Y,egg^Y).
Note: X,Y and Z mark genes which are very close, but howsoever different.

Let's assume that chicken was first! Consequently it came from an egg^Y. If not then the first statement is false.

There are 2 scenarios for this to happen:

1)Chicken^X hatched from egg^Y. That means that chicken^Y genes mutated in the period between laying the egg^Y and the moment it hatched. Otherwise the chicken which hatched would be chicken^Y, not chicken^X. But as we know mutation and evolution of the species is a process lasted millions of years and a period of 3 weeks is far too small.

2)Chicken^X hatched as chicken^Y but later mutated before it's death. This case is also impossible because of the small period.

So here is what really happened:
Cock^Z mated hen^Y. Their genes were so close that this was possible. It is like poodle mating rottweiler(I know - it is awful even to imagine this). They have different exteriors but their genes are slightly different which makes mating possible.
The result of cock^Z mating hen^Y is egg^X. Consequently egg was first.

Check out this video, which supports the hypothesis that it is possible for cock^Z to mate hen^Y.

4.03.2008 г.

Watching Sports online

Today a colleague of mine asked me where can he watch online soccer matches.
THIS is the site I use to watch soccer and tennis. They have Live TV section too, but I haven't explore it yet. The software you need can be downloaded from the site or from their official sites. I use Sopcast now, but I've tried TVAnts too.
Sopcast works fine. I had problems with Vista, but now everything is just fine.
A year ago the streams were lower than 320Kb, but now there are very quality streams.

3.03.2008 г.

Counter Strike 1.6 + AMX mod X + bots + customization


Last 2 months I made myself sure in how customizable Counter Strike is. There are lots of mods that can be easily installed and also there are tools for programming these mods.
This post has a purpose to share my experience in running CS 1.6 with AMX mod X installed and also the tricky part - installing bots with the mod. Also I'm gonna show how to customize the game by changing sounds,names,logos,texts and so on. Creating maps and mods is something I haven't tried yet so this is not included in this article.
So lets start from the begining.

Counter Strike Instalation

First install Counter Strike 1.6. Then if you want update it to the last version.
I updated to 1.6 v18.

The AMX mod X

After that it is time to install the AMX mod X. I downloaded it from
here. This is an archive. Extract the files in a random folder. You should have a "cstrike" folder and a .dll file. Copy them to the folder where you've installed the game.
For example if you have installed CS in "D:\Games\CS1.6" copy these dll and folder to that folder. OS will prompt you whether to replace existing files - do so.

The Bots

It is time now for the bots. I use ZBOT which you can download from
here. When you extract the files you will have again one "cstrike" folder. Remove the file liblist.dll from it and then copy this folder to the folder you've installed CS to. Again it should be something like "D:\Games\CS1.6" as it is on my PC.OS will prompt you whether to replace existing files - do so.
Now we should "tell" the game that there are bots installed. Open the folder (This is my folder tree, use yours) "D:\Games\CS1.6\cstrike\addons\metamod" and create a file named "config.ini" there. Easiest way to do this is to copy the plugins.ini file and rename it. Then open it with notepad or other text editor application and clear all the lines. Then add a single line "gamedll dlls\zbotcz.dll"(without the quotes of course).
And that is all. Enjoy the game.

Using AMX mod X and the Bots

What do you get with what we did so far? The AMX mod X gives you great variety of options. I use it to see how much damage I've done/received and to/from whom.You can also get statistics like "top15" which gives you the best players on this server,can vote for next map, can kick/ban and so on. Feel free to explore the console for other commands(there are many of them!).
When you start the server it is necessary to set your password in the console(it could be hardcoded in some of the .ini or .cfg files that are executed too) by typing rcon_password .
After that you can add bots with the menu or by using the console,set their difficulty,join team etc.

Counter Strike customization

This part is my favourite.

1) The auto buy configuration - Find and open the file autobuy.txt, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike". Change the sequence of items to buy first.

2)Bot customization - Find and open (with notepad) the file BotProfile.db, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike". Explore the content. You will find there bot names, templates and so on. Feel free to change Skill,Aggression,ReactionTime ...
and the funniest of all - their names. I changed their names to funny names and every time I kill someone I laugh at his name :).

3)Command menu configuration - Find and open the file commandmenu.txt, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike". This is a template, from which the menu is generated.

4)Game menus texts configuration - Find and open the file cstrike_english.txt, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike\resource". This file offers you a chance to customize almost every piece of text you will find in the game, including menus,descriptions etc. Feel free to experiment.I tried to add cyrilic characters but they appeared like hieroglyphs.

5)Theme music configuration - Find the file gamestartup.mp3, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike\media". This is the music you hear while in main menu of the game. Change this file with some .mp3 you like but if the .mp3 file is larger than 2Mb you will experience some delay when starting the game. So I cut 2Mb from Guano Apes-Lords of the boards.mp3 and now when I start CS that is what I hear.
NB -> Be sure that you rename your file to gamestartup.mp3.

6)Maps cycle configuration - Find and open the file maps.ini, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs". List there the maps you want to be shown when choosing next map.

7)Game logos configuration - Explore the content of the "resource" folder, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike\resource". Try to replace the .tga files with your logos. be sure to use only .tga (targa file) type 2 or 10 - don't ask me why,but Valve use this file format for logos.

8)Server start template configuration - this is my favourite one. Find and open the file motd.txt, located in my case in "D:\Games\CS 1.6\cstrike".This is the template that you see when connecting to a server. This is an HTML template and you can engage all your fantasy to edit it. I tried adding images and links and it works just fine.You can browse sites from Counter Strike. It doesn't have scrolling capabilities but you can check your e-mail from the game. This is incredible, isn't it?


Counter Strike is outstanding game which allows everybody to adjust it to himself. Installing mods and customizing makes the game more interesting and keeps the gamers obsessed and interested.
Recently I installed Half Life 1 and found that it can be customized too. By the way this is my favourite game :).

26.02.2008 г.

Destitute animals at Sofia ZOO

Two days ago I went to the Sofia Zoo to have a nice stroll among nature. It was nice like every time I go there. There were plenty of children with their parents, sun was shining, grass was green :) etc. One thing made bad impression on me howsoever.
Some of the animals were very miserable. They were looking hungry and missing elementary necessities. That is unpleasant of course, but that is the situation in Bulgaria in all aspects of life.

The prices of entrance ticketsfor Sofia Zoo are as follows:
1BGN(50 euro cent) for adults;
0.5BGN(25 euro cent) for children above 7 years of age,students,military etc.
Free for children below 7 years of age

These prices are hilarious. I think they should be 3 times more. And the money should be spent for food and improvements.
It is a good practice companies to adopt animals at the zoo. This is good for them as a marketing strategy but is good for the animals too.

Here are some pictures I took. Pictures of thirsty brown bear, risking her life for some drops of water, bald camel, begging racoons/lama,dirty pond and skinny tiger. I couldn't take a shot of the lion, cause the king does not deserve to be seen in such a pitiful condition.

19.02.2008 г.

Problems with Measure Up tests.

I got strange problems with Microsoft Press Training Kit. They were crashing in almost all use cases that I tried. When starting a test with a timer I used to had this exception:

I got other exceptions when I wanted to score my test too:

Measure Up Support gave me this as a solution:


This error indicates there is an incompatibility issue between our test and the settings on the PC. In the control panel, please double click on the icon labeled Regional Settings. Please choose English (United States), and click the box that says "use default properties for this input locale."

Alternatively, in the regional settings, look at the Currency tab. If it is set the decimal symbol to . (dot) instead of , (coma), that may be enough to get it working properly.

If the trouble persists, try setting the keyboard language layout to English (United States). In the control panel, double click on the icon labeled "Keyboard". Then click on the tab labeled input locales. Select the Add button. And then choose English (United States) as the input locale.

Thank you
Customer Support Specialist

Obviously their tests run good in US only :). This is an example for how much important it is to implement globalization.
The good part is that that solution works.

4.02.2008 г.

What is AVI Chunk Viewer and AVI Splitter?

Some days ago I had a strange problem. While I was watching some series a window popped up with a strange graph. It was some "AVI Chunk Viewer"(ACV) which was telling me that my video was out of synch with its audio or something like that. It was quite annoying. As an option ACV offered to start some tool named "AVI Splitter" on the .avi file. I checked the web for a solution but what I found were lots of people complaining and wondering WTF ACV is.

Today I found that the problem is in the K-Lite Codec pack I've installed on my PC.

I'm not a guy who installs applications like "next->next->...->finish", but this codecs are horrible for me(look at the screenshot below and especially at the codec names).

You can rid of ACV with reinstalling the pack or with a witty K-Lite Tool called Codec Tweak Tool located at: Start menu -> All Programs -> K-Lite Codec Pack -> Configuration. Scroll down until you see AVI Splitter under "Disable the following filters" section, and check it off. I did it with all the filters that had "splitter" in their names :).

Here is the Codec Tweak Tool:

I almost forgot:
I found out this solution thanks to a guy with nickname Squirrel from this forum.

29.01.2008 г.

Wireless problem: Losing connection and poor performance

Exploring the Microsoft support site I found something interesting about the wireless power options. There is a mechanism for saving your notebook battery when using wireless. This works only if the WLAN router is compatible with the 802.11 power save protocol. The idea is that when permanently connected through wireless adapter there is a constant communication between the adapter and the WLAN router which uses some power. The power saver mode offers an interesting algoritm. The adapter periodically sleeps and wakes and before entering in one of these modes it tells the router so. The router knowing that adapter is temporary not responsible starts to cache the packages for it and after adapter wakes up router sends it all the cached packages.

How can you change wireless power mode to make it work as you like?

Enter Power Options. The quickest way to me is through the Vista instant search from the start menu.
After entering Power Options choose the power option you would like to change and click on "Change plan settings". Then choose "Change advanced power settings" and expand the "Wireless Adapter Settings" node. Expand the "Power saving mode" and choose what is suitable for you.

The mode that will end your wireless connectivity and performance problems is "Maximum performance".

Here is some extra information.

Windows Vista wake up problem

According to Microsoft the problem comes from some USB devices. In my case that device was my mouse.
The workaround is:
Start -> Control Panel -> Device Manager.
Then find the suspicious device and right click -> Properties.

And then:

Windows Vista is like an desease :)

It's been a while (6 months) since I bought myself a notebook and I installed Vista Ultimate on it. I remember the first 4-5 days. It was a shock for me.
Vista was much clumsier than XP. The file transfer operations were (and still are) a nightmare as performance. I was frustrated how Vista was sucking out my dual core CPU's power. I hated the "stunning" aero from first view. The worst was that when my notebook was going to sleep or hibernate mode there was no way to wake him up. I tried to get rid of Vista. It was too much for me. But I couldn't, cause the only boot up CD that I had didn't helped me. It said something like "Can't find your hard disk" when i booted from it.Later I learned why :). So I did final attempts to solve the wake up problem and luckily I did. From that moment I started to adjust myself to Vista and now there are only few annoying things left to be fixed.
So in my case Vista was like a desease. I tried to heal myself, but then I got immunity and now I use it and have no big problems with it.

Problem with Microsoft IE7:

From some time I had an itchy problem with IE7. The problem is the same i guess with IE6 and no mather on which OS it runs. Some days ago I had opened a dozen of IE windows. They grouped and when I rightclicked the group I chose the "Show windows stacked" or something like that. I'm running Vista btw, although this is not important in that case. So the windows rearranged to fit in my display space. After that I realised the shit I've made. After that everytime I was opening link in new window it opened in small window. The problem is that IE remembers the size of the last closed window. I guessed that I would find and option that says something like:
"Open new windows :" and a dropdown with some options like - normal, windowed, full screen, but I didn't. Then I explored the registry and I guess I found something here (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Document Windows) but I was frustrated of the idea to do this every time I needed.

Then I found this which worked for me.

The idea is that you should open IE window and maximize it manually (without using the maximize button). Then right click on a link and choose "Open link in new window". Do the same maximizing procedure with the second window. Then close the first one and after that the second one.

This will keep the two sizes as you've made them.

Frankly said I'm a keen Microsoft technologies user and I like MS very much, but this sux. I hope MS will put more options for the next release of IE or some patches.
I hate that even with this workaround I still have to click the maximize button on new windows, cause I like my browser maximized. And when I manually stretch the window it is still not maximized. This is ridiculous.